Masamune-kun no Revenge Wiki
Episode 18
Episode 18
Title "Our Second Date"
Kanji 二度目のデート
Romaji Nidome no dēto
Chapter(s) 41.2, 42
Release Date August 7, 2023
Music Guide
Opening Please, please
Ending Twilight little star
Episode 17 Episode 19
List of Episodes

"Our Second Date" is the sixth episode of the second season of the Masamune-kun's Revenge R anime. It was released on August 7, 2023.


Masamune and Aki go on their second date on Christmas Eve, which happens to also be Aki's birthday as well, but…


Masamune acts like he doesn't know and asks Aki when is her birthday. As she reveals its December 24th, Masamune proposes that they spend it together and Aki agrees. At home, Masamune knows that he no longer can depend on Yoshino and needs to make the date plan himself. Having too many options, Masamune asks Chinatsu and she states that on Christmas Eve she would love to have a date in a castle, where she cosplays as a princess and dances all night. Kinue overhears them and shares that she had a date with Masamune's father on Christmas Eve, but it was troublesome as they accidentally brought her the kid's lunch. Masamune feels he wasted his time and heads to his room. Chinatsu tries to tell him that they did lottery in the shipping district today, but Masamune leave without listening the end of her story. In his room, Masamune decides to read some shojo manga for ideas, but is unable to think of anything.

The next day, Masamune asks Kojuro for some ideas. Kojuro then suggest few restaurants with good food. Masamune continues to think on his own. Meanwhile, Aki spends her time trying to figure out what outfit to wear.

On Christmas Eve, the two meet and Masamune proposes that they first go see a movie. Aki is glad that this time ain't gonna be a zombie movie, but didn't expect to be a story about an old man and animals and gets moved to tears by the story. After the movie, Masamune takes her to a pancake place recommended by Kojuro, however they see that the place had fire and the cafe had burned down this morning. He takes her to few other places, but since its Christmas Eve, those places are full. Masamune refuses to give up, and thinking of where he can take her to eat, he suggest that they go to his place.

Masamune assumes that Kinue and Chinatsu will welcome Aki well, just like they did with Neko and Yoshino, and there will be plenty of food. However, Masamune is surprised that there is no one home. He then sees a note from Chinatsu, that tells him that she and Kinue went to a hotspring, which is their reward for winning the lottery.

Frank is dinning with Muriel. She gives him a Christmas present, which makes him really happy. Muriel then gives him a list with names and asks him to visit a doujinshi event at the end of the year and visit those people.

Masamune and Aki realizes that they are alone. Aki states that she will drink some tea unless Masamune had some other motives and planned this. Masamune then heads to make some tea, but is unable to find it. Aki decides to help him and ends up finding a pancake mix. Since they were supposed to eat pancakes today, they decide to make some. They struggle a bit, but manage to make some. As they eat, Masamune decides to feed Aki a bite, and she ends up eating it, however she complains it lacks flavor and adds more toppings to his pancakes, stating it suits him. Aki stands up to get some icecream, but Masamune grabs her hand and takes her to his room. Checking out his room, she sees a picture of the two when they were young and is moved that she still had it. Masamune explains that while he used to be fat, he wished to change, but wonders if he is worthless now. Aki backs off a bit, but trips on a dumbbell and falls while pulling Masamune over her. Masamune then feels some stomach pain and excuses himself, and goes to the bathroom. He then messages Aki that his stomach is hurting him and he can't move, and tells her that he has a present in his coat, which she should take and leave for today. Masamune recalls that he starts to feel unwell and hives break out on his arm when he touches Aki.

Aki goes back home, where Yoshino welcomes her. Seeing Aki, she asks her if her date wasn't fun. Aki denies it, but wonders if she has no appeal as a woman. Yoshino states she has plenty of appeal, but Aki rushes to her room. She checks the present from Masamune, which is two dogs on a chain, which reminds her of her dogs. Earlier when she took the present, she saw a notebook in which Masamune had written that he will "get revenge on that woman", making Aki wonder what that means.


List of characters in order of appearance:



List of Episodes